Saturday 10 November 2012

Party Day!!!

Party is going to be HUGE.... :) so much of the adoring fans

Friday 9 November 2012

This is the life...

Icecream in hand as I reflect on what a fantastic year it has been... travel, spoiling, property buying and personal growth....

I was so spoilt yesterday, we get to go home early today... the sun is shining.... *sigh*

Thursday 8 November 2012

"She's flirty, turned thirty. Ain't that the age a girl gets really dirty?"

This is me embracing 30.... loved this Scouting For Girls song for ages, and secretly was waiting till I could be "dirty thirty"... however, I did forget about this song until I heard it yesterday morning while walking - viva ancient iPod :)


 Let's get this frikken birthday started!!! Whoop whoop!

Wednesday 7 November 2012


My walk this morning was... horrid... the wind was crazy and I wobbled badly up the hill.... and then wobbled down again. I suppose the point is, I did the distance, speed was lacking but my cute little butt was out of bed and wobbling around Vredehoek before 7am.

Decided to walk this morning because I have too many errands to run straight after work. I'm proud of myself, just wonder if I can manage it again tomorrow - busy busy day tomorrow....

I must say, this walking thing is working better than trying to push my body to run. I can feel some muscle pain, but I'm not too sore to exercise the next day. I feels better that it's something I've managed to sustain for a week.... early days though.

Faux Ginger Woes

When one decides to go RED, one should think of the fashion implications.... last weekend I went shopping and headed to the fitting room with a gorgeous coral coloured dress.... totally forgetting that I am now a redhead.... Coral and redheads don't mix too well... I had a real "bitch please" moment when I saw myself in the mirror with a coral dress in hand. Truth be told it wasn't horrendous on, but not ideal....

I did bravely wear a red top to work the other day and manged to pull it off... Obviously, because I'm me :P

I suppose I just need to get used to the change, I've had enough compliments to know that I wasn't a mistake.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Blog Life

I've had close on 4000 views since I started my blog.... which seems pretty cool. I do wonder who actually reads it, viewership has increased lately... moved more towards South Africa... and away from Russia - In the beginning I had a large Russian audience... which makes no sense.

Thanks for the support


Birthday Lust List....

You know when people ask you what you want for your birthday, and you squeak "you don't have to get me a present...." - yeah, I don't know how that feel either!

I've commissioned a necklace from a great designer and new friend - which I probably will only receive after my birthday. I asked her to incorporate quite a few elements, so it's not a simple piece, and it is going to pretty darn special - so I've pretty much let people know that I would welcome contributions... ok so all that doesn't stop me ogling stuff online and in store.

I want this tray, I will have it...

I want a really nice beach towel... not sure which one though, saw a very expensive cotton one at Edgars the other day.... this is something I've bought for a few people as a present before, yet, I am still using the free towel that my Mom got from her days in Tupperware in the late 80s....

 A decent teapot is also something I've wanted for a while, but I can be quite a difficult thing to buy for someone else... and it seriously cannot be dribbley... I have a lovely teapot that I handpainted in an Alice In Wonderland theme... but it dribbles like crazy....

A selection of wild coloured acrylic paints wouldn't go unused...

 Lately with all my walking I've been wanting a pedometer... now see they that they aren't that expensive!

and of course:
onion marmalade
posh teas
plants (but maybe once I've moved)
....a new car

love and kisses

Monday 5 November 2012

Rich Kid Blues....

Day 5 of November, I've managed to walk everyday, no excuses. 30 minutes with up-hill on the weekdays, and hour long walks both Saturday and Sunday. I feel proud of myself and was actually getting edgy for my walk towards the end of today. I did the same route today as I'd done on Friday and it was less challenging, which must be a good sign.

Other than that, I thought I was uninspired to write any posts, but now that I have music playing, I feel more inspired. I've noticed a lot of apathy in the last few days - I call them my "Rich Kid Blues" - where so much is GOOD in my life, yet I feel bored. I feel like a spoilt, shallow brat. I've bought property, it's days from my birthday, I have a ridiculous number of people coming to my birthday dinner, I have awesome red hair, I'm having a stunning necklace made for me, I want for nothing... yet I'm so utterly bored?

Maybe I think I'm lonely? But then I ask myself where I'd find the time for a relationship and literally, I feel a gap... like men with any potential are not in my orbit.... like I'm being forced to wait.... because I'm still me... I still look like me, but I have less happening... ok, if you asked some of my single friends, I get attention... but yeah.... maybe I'm not interested in less than amazing? That aside.... funny story of my RKB:

I was desperate for a chocolate today, late afternoon... but I only had R100 note. I managed to get it down to two R50, and headed off to the vending machine. It refused to take my R50, so I loudly exclaim "I have too much money!".... wow Sharona.... First World Problems much? It's actually mortifying what a brat I am lately....

Oh, with regards to "No Excuses" I did manage to do some household chores I'd been procrastinating over the last few days, so YIPPY, I'm superlady :)

3 Sleeps!!!

Friday 2 November 2012

6 sleeps!

I'm On Fire!

Had a good start to No Excuses November - I kicked my own butt into going for a 30 minute walk after work yesterday. It gave me energy and cleared my head. I definitely need to repeat this today :)

Also in exciting news... I'm a red head! Whoop whoop! needed a change! I've been blond for a year :) I am very happy with how it came out.


Thursday 1 November 2012


Of Monsters... And Of Men

I am awake insanely early; I feel so hungover… but honestly did not drink that much… you’d think that my body would be able to handle alcohol better after having a month off? Clearly not…

I wanted to delete last night’s post or heavily edit it, but I think I’m overreacting. It could be that it just needs a follow up post. I tend to be too hard on myself. I try very hard to be “good” and to do what I should, but in my mind I’m failing. Even now, as I type I’m thinking “golly Sharon, no one wants to read this crap, make it funny” but it’s not funny, why do I need to be funny? Why do I need to edit myself? Who is going to get hurt by reading that I have a dirty wit and can no longer handle alcohol? If I scare people away by being honest, did they even really like me to begin with? I also tend to exaggerate a lot of things.

So, it’s 1 November, a week till my birthday, the end of no wheat and alcohol, and free of excuses. I usually count down to my birthday, very publically; I’ve done less of that this year. Obviously I’ve acknowledged it, but I’ve actually had comments from people about me not doing my annual count down from mid-September….

I feel like being sober again, I feel gross… my head hurts. I suppose it’s a balance thing? I know it is. I’m going to keep reasonably wheat-free this month too, I like the flatter stomach. And “No Excuse November”? Given that I am awake, should I be getting an early start and walking to work? No, headache says no…. but maybe I can actually be early for work and go for a walk at lunchtime (note, I’m committed now). I better plan a cute “walking during work” outfit – something wind appropriate.

Back to last night’s Monster Mask rant – I’m not fake, per say, I think I just judge myself harshly. I get tipsy, I flirt too much, I say things to shock people, I like that 2nd piece of cake, I buy lots of clothes, I don’t like washing up. But I think I’m getting a lot of things right – I can go a month without drinking, I can be single, I also say very nice things to people, I like to help people, I can be generous with my time and money, I do like ironing ;)

And now I feel I should say something profound, but instead I’m going to post this ramble and have a 30 minute nap.

Everyone Feels Like A Monster... Sometimes

So, it was Halloween... it is Halloween, whatever... it's very late on Wednesday night....

I started the day listening to this song... for fun... but it struck a weird chord...


What is a "Monster Mask"? I've always had the quote from "The Mask" floating around my head (by always I mean since 1995 or so) - "We all wear masks.... metaphorically speaking..."

Do you ever feel fake? I do... I live in the world, have a wit that leans towards the lecherous.... but I'm also a good Christian girl.... I love boys, I love clothes and above all, I love Jesus... I seem confusing.... most of the time I have my priorities straight... but seriously, I'm practically 30.... boys are supposed to be a focus....

Mmmm.... I must say, Sober October is overs... I decided at dinner that the 31st was good enough... had wine....  then went out for drinks.... I feel uber tipsy.... which might not be the worse thing, as I've not felt like writing in the last few days. Viva La Vino....

How do we find balance? If I say that I want a boyfriend, I get told "you will meet the right guy one day... don't focus on it".... as if I'm desperate.... but then if I say I'm happy and not in the place for anything serious, then I'm asked why I am writing off men? How do I find the balance??? How am I good, yet normal? Normal me says naughty things... because she is sharp....
Do nice Christian boys like girls with good intentions and dirty minds? I really hope so....

anyway... if you made it this far on my blabbing blog post... try my latest obsession, a word scramble.... tell me how many words you get, 3 or more letters while including the middle letter, aim for the (very obvious) 9 letter word....