Wednesday 22 May 2013


Yes, the title is controversial enough to drive people to my blog.
No, I’m not pregnant; I’m just fat – that being the subject of this post.
Yes, people ask me all the time.
Yes, that is very rude.
Yes, but, I do have a big tummy.

  have been on Dukan for 5 days now, and have tried eating plans before. I’ve managed to shift the kilos off over the years, and then pile them back on… usually they bring friends. I am very determined to make this work and have already dropped 3kg to date. I have more energy and the flu symptoms that have bugged me for weeks are gone. (yeah, I barely believe what I’m saying either). This all said, I’ve decided to write this post, and hope that you won’t look at me with pity, but rather laugh along with me. It is a funny, yet very hurtful truth about my life.

Most of my fat sits on my stomach
I’ve always had weak stomach muscles
Stress, food and even a full bladder bloat me
I’ve been accused of pregnancy at every weight from 60kg to 80kg…. possibly even at 58kgs where I looked like a lollipop. SERIOUSLY?

I will share some gems with you:

The ride operator didn’t want to let me on the ride, insisted that I was pregnant and they couldn’t allow it. It was Ratanga, at Monkey Falls, so I just jumped into the boat with them screaming at me and me screaming back “BUT I’M NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT”

@THE BAR # 1 aka ON A DATE #1
I went to play pool with a guy who I fancied, he’s just taken me out for pizza dinner (cue bloat), but I was wearing a sexy flowy top – designed to hide the tummy and show off the boobs…. And we bumped into a friend of his, who wasted no time to ask if I was pregnant… even though I was on like my 2nd date with this guy AND drinking…. *cringe*

I recently went to the Bay Harbour Market with Gorgeous Guy Bestie…. And we order cocktails; GGB looked so confused as the barman asked “One without alcohol, right?”…. And I melted into the floor…. I was sucking my stomach in hard that I almost fainted while making faces at GGB. Barman took this as his cue to say “Because she is pregnant”…. GGB doesn’t miss a beat and says “Well she isn’t”. I very suspiciously sucked at my Moscow Mule (don’t order one there, they’re not nice) and asked Barman three times if he had put alcohol in it….

Once while being frisked by security.... a few times by suppliers who were either happy for me or concerned that I was going on maternity leave.... once by a nosey new receptionist who asked me repeatedly if I was sure that I'd only been away on holiday, not maternity leave.

The date was finished, but we popped into a store, the chain that I work for in fact…. One of the sales assistants’ asks me “Are you pregnant”…. I’m sucking my tummy and cheeks in as I shake my head, hoping the hottie I’m with hasn’t heard…. THEN she says “You’re not? Can I touch it?” And proceeds to rub my stomach…. Say whaaaaaaaaaat, yes…. Didn’t see the hottie again…. Fortunately because he turned out to be a tad dodge… not because of my hideous deformity…

Pick ‘n Pay is a grocery store (I say this because apparently I have a big readership in the Northern Hemisphere). Tellers like to ask…. Sometimes I let someone believe it because they offer me the last trolley…. I didn’t let it go when I was standing in line with my friend’s boyfriend, and a keen lady was rubbing my belly uninvited and grinning up at friend’s bf…. Guys never seem to know what is happening… he’s like “what was happening there?”…. my reply of “she thinks I’m carrying your baby” was not met with much approval… figures.

Ok, so getting a seat while everyone else stands... in a foreign country.... yeah, I'll let that go. My skinny friend figured it out after she'd been ignored and I'd been offered a seat for the second time in the same day.... ;)

This is really just a select few occurrences, most of it blurs into:

A stranger is touching me…. “When are you due?”
“If you’re not pregnant, then why do you look like that?”
Suggestive hand movements indicating a large belly
Denial of alcohol and dangerous behaviour
Awkward apologies
Or no apologies at all “well you LOOK pregnant….”

I accept it, it’s just embarrassing… it happens to celebrities every few months.... hopefully by the end of the year this will all be a distant memory…. Until I really do have a baby in my belly…. One not made of food…

Ok, look at that belly!


  1. I love your blogs you crazy woman! here is one for you...walking down the road and a bergie smiles and walk on and, he calls after me...hey Vetgat...seriously dude, i have one? hahah yes we can choose to deal with such things on a day to day basis, so WHAT??? i am who I am and i dont give a damn.... i suffer from PHAT around my waist and buttocks due to medication pills that I am on for life. So there is no getting rid of my PERFECT,HOT,ATTRACTIVE,TUSHIE (Thats how I deal with it in my head)

    1. :) thanks for the comment and story!
      A bergie once got very cross that I wouldn't let her name "the baby"....

      A lot of happiness comes from being comfortable in your own skin. I was using food as a reward, but it was my crutch and not good. I really feel better now that I've changed my eating, in a way that I would be happy to be fat, yet feel like this.

      I love your confidence!
