Wednesday 28 January 2015

Quick Pop of Hope

This was my feeling this morning... but the day seems to have spun out.

I suppose its easier to slouch in the bushes than to stand proud balancing on a sunny branch. It's easier to be complacent and when trying to find healthy balance, our muscles both physical, spiritual and mental strain. 

I pulled and stretched my physical body in yoga last night, exceeding the limits my mind had placed on my body, allowed some calm to descend, opened myself to love and as a result had an emotional break down in the gym change room. It was embarrassing and yet cathartic.

I absolutely believe that our emotions get stuck in between our muscles, like crumbs in between the couch cushions... They itch until we shake them out. 

Balance is beautiful once achieved but not achieved overnight - so I continue trying, stretching and strengthening. Even if it hurts sometimes.

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