Friday 11 January 2013

For Every Like This Gets...

... I will do one sit-up :)

Obviously with January (and my new flatmate)... the pressure (motivation?) to get exercising is on! I go a pedometer (the one from my birthday list) for Christmas. I've been tracking my steps over the last few days - an average day I only manage about 4000 steps, when I go for a walk for 30 minutes it shoot up closer to 8000. No brainer, right?

Best Friend challenged me to a 5km race in April - so I have a goal of sorts. Now I need a strategy... would love to say "tadaaaaa HERE IT IS"... but I don't have a sustainable plan. I tend to be naughty when it comes to maintaining.... anyone got a magic formula? I supose the bottom line is "No Excuses", "One day at a time"

Maybe if 100 of my Cape Town based FB friends each invited me to walk with them for one day, for 100 days... I mean it....

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