Friday 12 July 2013

Skinny Bitch Rant #2

I already had a bit of a rant about this on Facebook, but I’ve started to realise that my readership extends further than my circle of friends and family.

Why are we marginalised for being healthy? Order a diet coke – they don’t stock Coke Zero because that doesn’t come in tiny tins, they have Coke Lite, because that comes in tiny tins, and healthy people obviously need tiny tins, at the price of a sugar-filled soda – obviously. 

Water costs R20 for 500ml at a bar. Add some vodka and lime – you should rather have ordered a meal at the cost. WHY???

I know that I barely drink now, so I should have oodles of money, but it all seems so wrong! Why is water more expensive than soda? HOW?

Is it impossible to stock Sprite Zero for some variation? Oh wait, doesn’t come in a tiny tin.

If I order a diet soda, would I be willing to switch to sugary, just because of the Happy Hour special? NO. I DO NOT WANT SUGAR. You suck.


  1. Go to checkers or pick n pay.
    5l bottles of water for R14-19 each.
    I buy like 2 a week and then I just fill my 1.5l bottle everytime.
    Quick,easy and cheaper than buying single bottles each time...

    1. Normal day-to-day is fine, we have filtered water at work and I will drink tap water. It's just a sparkling water when I'm out that is criminally expensive!

