Friday 1 March 2013

Of Mirrors, Meat and Men

I’ve had a fantastic first day as Queen of All Thing Outdoorsy Clothing Add-Ons…. I’ve decided to abolish the word “Accessories” from my title in light of the trauma experienced the last time I was an Accessories Buyer… see my post from earlier today. Putting that aside, I’m very happy and content, at home, waiting for the oven to reach 200 degrees, drinking a wine-apple juice combo (I was on the dregs of my pap sak… and decided to fool myself into thinking I had a full glass by adding apple juice…. Obviously, I’ve pretty much downed it). I have weird blurry eyes, not from wine, but from what they call an ocular migraine… a headache in my eyes if you will… I find chewing gummy bears cures it… but yeah… I’m just pushing through with wine tonight ;)

Onto to M to the power of three title…


I went to the Community Chest Carnival last night with the fandam… so 1992, I know! But I honestly love it for the German sausage (easy there Dear Reader… the food) and the BOOKS… I’m a total slut when it comes to cheap books… I managed to fill my arms with books, like those kids on the Reggies Toy Run, I was in my element and looking to score big. I did unfortunately need to liberate some of the books… it seems that I was a big too greedy… in the end walking away with seven books for the amazing price of R190! Oh fraptious day!

Ok, on to “mirrors” – one of the books I picked up was “Mirror Mirror” by Gregory Maguire. Not that movie, the book, also about Snow White… but different Dear Reader! This is the same author who brought us “Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West” – YES, like the musical!!! And I didn’t even notice the connection until I got home… started reading it and am hooked… waiting for my pizza before I dive back in. This isn't the soft tale of Snow White... it's Snow White meets the Borgias... literally... instead of a evil step mother... Lucrezia steps in....


With all this debacle about how meat suppliers (and most likely retailers) lie to us about what animal we’re actually eating… I’ve decided on a vegetarian dinner (read: I’m too lazy to defrost and cook chicken to add to my frozen mushroom pizza). I’m not one to blog about big social issues (ok, maybe drinking and driving), but… SERIOUSLY? It is cheaper to source donkey and water buffalo, than cow? Who thinks…. Beef sausage… too difficult… lets round up some water buffalo? And what about the implications for people keeping Kosher or Hahaal? Someone asked me today why I care, because I don’t have religious dietary restrictions, but seriously? Human rights? Basic freedom of information! Why should we believe any food labels at all? The ingredients, the kilojoule breakdowns? What’s hiding in our bread??? Do I need to raise my own tea cup pigs and bantam hens to get honest bacon and eggs? That would show the Body Corporate for turning down my application for a kitten… *rubs palms together*


Pah, it just rhymed… I could have said marrow or mouse….

Adieu darlings!!!

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