Thursday 11 June 2015

Snuggle up for a story... Day 15 #100daysofwriting

Once upon a time, just around the corner... Lived an average looking princess... Who am I kidding? She was beautiful! Average-smaverage!
Where was I? Oh yes, the princess from around the corner. Well, her name was Bunny. What do you mean "that's not a princess name?" I'm telling the story here! How will I ever get to the dangerous bits if you keep interrupting?
So, one day, Bunny decided to go for a ride on her horse. Tired of constant monitoring, Bunny snuck off while the staff were watching Dr Phil at tea time. Bunny rode very quickly into the cover of dense woods at the edge of her sprawling garden.
Bunny had ridden in the woods many times before, but never alone. There was something magical about the woods that day. Maybe it was the sheer adrenaline of escaping, or maybe something was going on that day. Well, no need to keep you in suspense, there was a secret meeting happening in the woods...
Yes, a Teddy bears picnic!
Bunny had never seen living Teddies before and let out a gasp when she spotted them. The Teddies were way chilled though and invited Bunny to hang out. They even had an apple for the horse.
Now, Bunny lived a low carb lifestyle and could hardly control herself when she saw all the baked treats laid out. She started to pile her plate high with all sorts of cake and pie. The Teddies looked a little bit shocked and muttered to themselves. An elderly lady Teddy cleared her throat and said, "Bunny, we usually take one treat at a time as to ensure proper sharing." Bunny blushed.
"Tell us how you came to be in the woods alone," another Teddy asked. Bunny explained that she had stolen away for a ride. The Teddies muttered again.
The Teddies couldn't handle having someone so greedy and dishonest in their midst, so they ate her.
The End
"If you go into the woods today..."

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for killing Bunny off... and yes, The Teddies are very intolerant. :(
