Tuesday 2 June 2015

Creative Catch-Up (What I watched in May) : Day 6 #100daysofwriting

I have been asked by a fan and creative benefactor to write an update-slash-newsy post. Don’t be fooled, I don’t get paid to write my drivel, but I am emotionally supported and encouraged. I’ve decided to report back on some of the beautiful creative influences who have crossed my path over the month of May. These are unsponsored so no Barry Ronge fanciness here, ok?

Performance: La traviata by Verdi (Opera)
Venue: Artscape
Date: 9 May 2015
I fortunately work for a company who support Cape Town Opera, so most years I manage to snag a pair of tickets to a production. This year it was my Dad’s turn as my date. I’ve actually seen “La traviata” before but the two productions differed in interpretation, so it was quite refreshing. This production was set in the 1800’s while the former was set in the 1920’s. Cast were all students of UCT Opera School and were outstanding – there is much hope for the future of Opera in South Africa. Short plot summary: “That opera about the prostitute with TB”

Performance: Hello Dolly
Venue: Baxter
Date: 14 May 2015
Edgemead High put on a musical every two years and I know a staff member, so naturally went to support. I am a little bias because they put on “Little Shop of Horrors” previously and I’m a total fan. The kids gave it their all, I loved the quirky sets and it was a fun night out. Some real talent shown for singing, comedic timing and dancing. Short plot summary: “That musical about the meddling matchmaker, not Fiddler On The Roof”

Performance: The Pervert Laura by Louis Viljoen
Venue: Fugard
Date: 15 May 2015I love intimate theatre, I love a physiological thriller, I love South African play writes. Rounded up some friends and went to witness this “dark psycho-drama”. Would I tell my parents to watch this? No, but I absolutely loved the play and it was honestly the most disturbing play that I have ever seen. Got a chance to chat to the cast afterwards which was so special. Short plot summary: “That play about the girl who got messed up by her dad”

Performance: Tobacco and the Harmful Effects Thereof (based on the Anton Chekhov play)
Venue: Fugard
Date: 25 May 2015
Again, intimate theatre. Like I mentioned, I’m not going for a professional, researched approached. A friend and I attended this play because tickets were on special and we had heard that it had won an award/been sold out at Grahamstown. Primarily a one man show, with loads of straight faced jokes and physical comedy, I was in hysterics. The title gives nothing away about the play and initially I thought it may be education. It is a comedy with a hidden dark side. It is still playing till 13 June so I would recommend that you see it. Short plot summary: “That play about the subservient man who loses the plot”

Performance: Joshua Grierson and Fruit Vendor (musical performance)
Venue: Alma Café
Date: 29 May 2015
I’ve known Josh for years (The first one, Fruit Vendor’s name is also Josh) but haven’t seen him perform for a while. His style is dark and makes me think of Nick Cave’s twisted love songs. It’s great to watch him play, the gap between man and guitar sort of blur. Between his smoky voice and the rain, I was inspired to write a dark poem when I got home. Fruit Vendor on the other hand sings happy songs and flashes his dimples (I’m not sure if he actually has dimples but his smile felt dimply). The subject matter itself isn’t necessary light however. The venue is also an experience, home styling cooking and live music, perfect for a Winter evening.


  1. ah wow, what a theatre-y month! I'm totally living through this post. And not jealous at all.. :)

    1. We can definitely take in a show when you're here! Intimate theatre is SO affordable!
