Wednesday 3 June 2015

Vents don't only let the fresh air in... Day 7 #100daysofwriting

At the absolute risk of moaning for a few paragraphs... I'm tired and my stomach feels insanely unhappy. I really don't know why, nor is calling in sick tomorrow even remotely possible - I sense some "sucking it up" or positive thinking is needed.

I suffer with shoulder, neck and jaw tension - from stress, bad posture and general anxiety. I more easily admit to depressive episodes than my general, tightly wound, anxious state. It explains a lot of the drinking I've done in the past, the need for social lubrication and my more recent white-knuckle reaction to large social events.

I'm trying to stretch and exercise to help with the tension build up. I have a great physio, but releasing the knots every 6 weeks is not the long term solution. I'm not perfect and frankly exercise can add to tension. I did a few moves on the Powerplate last night and felt way too rattled around in the head.

I've been to a surgeon who says I grind my teeth at night, so now I wear a grind plate - think hockey gum guard on bottom teeth. It helps but can make me gag a little. It worked until I went on that bloody Powerplate - insert sad face.

So yes, I think I rattled myself on the Powerplate and now my head hurts too much, resulting in a rubbish tummy.

Time to sleep

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