Thursday 15 May 2014

A Bedtime Story #100creativedays Day 23

One dark and stormy night, as the wind howled and the rain lashed, a stressed out little princess hid under a tree. How had she come to be outside on such a horrid night? Well this is her tale of woe...

The little princess was heavy hearted, broken hearted and over strained. Her shoulders hurt, her head hurt and her jaw made a weird clicking sound when she tried to eat. She was very weary.

In absolute frustration, she send a decree to all the land, asking for relief of her stressful curse. Many wise people and a few fools sought audience with the little princess. They brought her pills and lotions, they taught her chants, they stuck needles in her shoulders... But she only sighed deeper and felt more forlorn.

Eventually a wrinkly old man came to the kingdom with a scroll. He did not say a word, and just handed the princess the scroll. Upon the scroll was written "reach for the stars".

In desperation, the little princess stood on the edge of her balcony and reached up as high as she could. Truly believing the answer lay in the stars. Suddenly, she felt a mighty shove and fell off the balcony. She landed in a crumpled heap in a puddle, and dragged herself to the shelter of a nearby tree.

Looking up to the balcony, she saw the old man, and he screeched at her "now you REALLY have something to be miserable about you silly little bitch"


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