Thursday 29 May 2014

Sharona's Make It Better Curry #100creativedays Day 37

It was one of those days...

I wore horrible trousers - loose at the waist and toit at the thigh... Leaving me waddling around like Justin Bieber with a poo in his nappy.

I'm also trying to leave my hair loose, but by the end of the day I wanted to shave my head... How does anyone maneuver with a handbag and laptop bag with a flowing mane over their shoulders?
I pulled my own hair waaaay too many times today.

Then the normal stuff of cold weather, hungry tummies, car issues, nagging people, money worries, a huge angry pimple... Blah blah blah.

As soon as I got home I tied my hair up, got rid of the horrible trousers, whisked off the strapless bra that had been sagging all day (sorry, didn't mention that before)... Once I was clad in the pj pants, uggs and a huge hoodie... I felt human again.

Then dinner. The Squire was wrestling with a broken down car and I'd promised him Nandos... But our resident Nandos is under renovation. Now in my snuggle uniform I had no intention of hitting Spar... So I needed to make a plan. I decided to attempt a chicken curry... It came out soooo well!!! Squire was very very impressed!

So how did I do it?

I had ready grilled chicken breasts (with Dukan we usually have cooked chicken handy), so I just chopped them roughly into chunks. Chunks got a light fry in a blob of margarine just to brown them, a squirt of honey for a bit of caramelized flavour. Then I liberally added: smoked paprika (YES PLEASE), curry powder, cayenne pepper, rosemary and cinnamon. Once beautifully coated in flavour, I added some plain yoghurt and let it simmer into a gorgeous curry sauce.

I might have added some chutney, coriander and a few other Indian spices had I had them handy.

You could totally add onion, carrots, chickpeas etc. Serve with papadums, pita, rice... Or just on it's own for a Dukan protein friendly dinner!

And I'm claiming double creative points for inventing a recipe and writing about it!

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