Saturday 5 July 2014

Cults. #100creativedays Day 74

Cults? What a strange topic Sharona... But not at all!

Cult Topic #1
After devouring the first season of "The Following" about a year ago, I got my paws on the second season recently. It follows the fictional cult following of a serial killer, Joe. He is devastatingly handsome and has a thing for Edgar Allan Poe. How can I help but swoon? I do have a bit of a thing for a good serial killer TV series, I've got the next season of "Hannibal" all lined up... And need to see the end of season 2 of "Bates Motel". *running blood thirsty little hands together *

Cult Topic #2
Family... While not strictly a cult... We are extremely loyal and proud. I do so love a blood relation for the pure narcissistic pleasure of seeing physical elements of myself reflected in the faces of others. Come to think of it, humour, tastes and idiosyncrasies run thick too. The Squire and I are as identical as is humanly possible. I got to spend time with extended family today, which is a real joy. All the perfect noses! :) isn't genetics a wonder???

Cult Topic #3
Cult movies. There are certain movies that everyone needs to see. I have a growing list of movies that I haven't seen - it took me years to finally see "Dirty Dancing" and "Rocky Horror" - and I keep meaning to catch up. Tonight I did the next best thing and showed The Squire two cult classics in my book. I couldn't believe he'd missed out on them until now! We started with "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" because everyone needs to know the origin of "whatta you mean you don't eat no MEAT.... Ah, don't worry, I make lamb" and the classic "inside the lump they found teeth and a spinal column... Yes, inside the lump it was my twin"
Our second film was "Ferris Buella's Day Off" - do I even need to justify it? Classic, classic 80's everything. If you haven't seen it, just watch it!!!

Night night kids, I need another hit of "The Following"...

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